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This Sunday's Telegraph (13 Jan 2013) looks at the benefits and pitfalls or hiring a car for a skiing holiday. Its travel columnist, David Williams, warned readers of hidden extra charges, using our research on five ski gateways for the February ha...

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Not a question we like to think about particularly but accoring to Europe's Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre, it's Finnair. Air New Zealand took the second spot, followed by Cathay pacific. The highest ranking UK carrier was in 10t...

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The Sunday Times (6 January 2013) reported that travellers could expect to pay up to 8% more for foreign currency at airports than online. A customer changing £500 could therefore be £40 worse off buying at an airport

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GETTING TO GRIPS WITH YOUR TYRES Tread -Ideally, your tyres should have at least 3mm of tread when driving in colder conditions Pressure -Check your tyres are inflated to the recommended pressure for the car you are driving. This can be found eithe...

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With the Mayan apocalypse approaching we thought it may be appropriate to provide some tips on what to do should the world end before you hand the keys back to your rental company. Simply follow out tips to make sure your rental doesn't end up costi...

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Well asphalt ones anyway, a rubber road is the latest madcap idea by a group of architects in Russia.

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